
Founded in 2006
Utrecht (NL)
Utrecht (Global)
750 (NL)
1500 (Global)

Primary study preferences

Applied physics Artificial intelligence Computing science Industrial engineering & management Mathematics Physics Supply chain management

Secondary study preferences

Astronomy Biomedical engineering Chemical engineering Chemistry Ecology and evolution Medical biology



Company info

Valcon is a full-service provider that works at the intersection between consultancy, technology, data, advanced analytics and strategy. Situated in The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden and Germany, Valcon forms a North-West European community helping clients across national borders. With over 1500 colleagues, we focus on end-to-end transformations in which we create long-lasting and sustainable value together with a human approach. Making sure companies are in their best possible shape, fit for the future; that is the core of what we do. We identify opportunities and make them work. Thorough. Fast. Together. From strategy to implementation. From boardroom to shop floor. In short, we are a no-nonsense consulting firm.

Career possibilities
We offer job positions in the fields of Process & Management, Technology and Data consultancy. Next to this, we consider personal development and joy a very important aspect of your work at Valcon. In our organisation we communicate between all levels directly and we give you as starter a lot of responsibilities and with that a steep learning curve. You get to choose with your own mentor what path you choose for your career; either growing to a project manager, broadening your knowledge as consultant or becoming a specialist. We consider personal development within your project important, but always in combination of training, guidance and self-reflection.

Are you interested in a career in Operations, Data or Technology consultancy? And are you also passionate about making a difference, pragmatic when needs to be and just overall a great human being? Then we would love to hear from you.


Company one-on-one

One on One – Valcon

Valcon March 20 - 10:00
Case study

Case – Valcon

Valcon March 20 - 14:00
Business Expo
Speed date

Business Expo – 20th of March

Beta Business Days, ASML, Cargill, Lambert Instruments, TNO, Johnson & Johnson, V.O. Patents & Trademarks, YER, Wetsus, Enshore, Valcon, Defensie, Envalior, Warpnet, Thermo Fisher Scientific, ASTRON, Philips, Spark Holland B.V. March 20 - 15:00